Hand Finished Prints

Hand Finished Prints are reproductions on 350gsm textured art paper that are embellished by hand using mixed media materials giving a 3 dimensional finish. Each Hand Finished Print is a one-off (1/1), finished differently using acrylic, inks, spray paints, glitter and silver or gold leaf. Framed by hand in the UK with a choice of black, white and coloured wooden or stained frames. Orders take 14 - 20 working days to be delivered. International orders may take a little longer. 

Hand Finished Print; 1/1 Breakfast, Lunch, Supper II

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Hand Finished Print; 1/1 Breakfast, Lunch, Supper II

  • Hand Finished 1/1 Print.

  • Signed and dated.

  • Mixed media on 350gsm textured Art Paper with gold leaf and fine diamond dust.

  • Framed floating forward in a black box frame.

  • 95 x 70 cm.

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